Red Aloe Vera has double the amino acids compared to normal Green Aloe Vera. It also has three time more polysaccharides compared to normal Green Aloe Vera.
Our unique combination called Pytho Essential Red Aloe Vera concentrate juice is made with Ashwagandha, Jamun ( Indian blue Berries ), Karela ( Bitter Melon ) and Honey together provides ample amino acids, polysaccharides and purifies blood. This combination is also useful in stimulating production of insulin, secretion of digestive enzymes and fighting infections.
Red Aloe Vera is one of the 400 spices of Aloe and it is called King of Aloe kingdom. Studies claim that Red Aloe vera is 22 times more powerful than common Aloe Vera in chemical contents. From historical perspectives, South African tribes used to eat Raw Red Aloe Vera for various medicinal advantages. In short we can say that Red Aloe Vera is high in Vitamins and Minerals, Amino Acids and Fatty Acids, works as an Adaptigen, helps in digestion, helps in detoxification, alkalizes the body, helps in building Cardiovascular health, boosts immune system, rejuvinates skin, reduces inflamation, and helps in loosing weight. It is said to be a miraculous herb for Cancer, Diabetes, Tumors, Dandruff, Hair-fall, Piles and Sexual Probelms.
Red Aloe Vera contains phytochemicals such as acetylated mannans, polymannans, Anthrquinone C-glycosides, Anthrones and other anthroquinones like emodin and various lectins. This plant has been traditionally used for skin disorders like burns, wounds, frosibites, rashes, psonais, cold sores, dry skin and psoriasis. However with latest studies, more and more benefits of Red Aloe Vera are emerging.
Our Phyto Essential Red Aloe Vera are blended with a small quantity of Ashwagandha, Karela, Jamun and Honey to ensure synergestic result on human body of tropical region.
In American markets, Aloe Vera has been used as Laxative since a very old time. Unfortunately it was banned as OTC product due to lack of study. Since then Aloe Vera was ignored of its medicinal values. Aloin in Aloe Vera may be toxic and should be carefully removed before administration. Aloin may cause various side effects like Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea and Hepatitis. At Phyto Atomy, we ensure Alkaline wash of Red Aloe Vera pulp under strict supervision and the pulp is checked for its Aloin content. Our facilities are HACCP certified and practices GMP.
Red Aloe Vera has double the amino acids compared to normal Green Aloe Vera